How to Draw a Cute Bunny Notebook – Easy Step by Step

If you’re looking for cute easy things to draw, you’re in the right place! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to draw a cute bunny notebook in just a few simple steps. This is perfect for beginners, kids, or anyone who loves cute drawings for kids. Grab your pencils and let’s start this easy bunny drawing tutorial! 🎨✨

Let’s get started!😊

Materials Needed

Before we start, gather the following materials:

  • Drawing paper or a sketchbook
  • Pencil for sketching
  • Black marker or pen for outlining
  • Colored pencils, markers, or crayons for coloring
  • Eraser to correct mistakes

Now, let’s get started with the step-by-step guide!

Cute Bunny Notebook easy drawings 1

Start by drawing a rectangle shape (about 13 x 11 cm). This will be the body of your bunny notebook. Keeping the edges clean and straight will give it a structured look.

Cute Bunny Notebook easy drawing 2

On the left side of the rectangle, draw a straight vertical line to create the notebook’s joint. This gives your drawing a realistic notebook design feel.

Cute Bunny Notebook easy drawing 3

To make your bunny notebook sketch for beginners even cuter, draw two large, round eyes. Add a small curved cut at the bottom of each eye to make them extra expressive. Inside each eye, draw two smaller circles for highlights – this will give your bunny a kawaii and lively look.

Cute Bunny Notebook easy drawing 4

Using a black pen or pencil, fill in the eyes while leaving the highlight areas white. This step makes the eyes stand out and gives your drawing that easy kawaii bunny drawing style.

Cute Bunny Notebook easy drawing 5

Now, it’s time to add personality! Draw a small, cute bunny nose and a simple mouth below the eyes. To complete the face, add tiny eyelashes and eyebrows to make it even more expressive.

Cute Bunny Notebook easy drawing 6

No cute bunny notebook drawing is complete without ears! Draw two fluffy bunny ears at the top of the notebook. Keep them slightly curved and soft-looking for an adorable effect.

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